Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris UTBK Tahun 2021
Bimbel WIN:
Belajar dari bentuk soal yang sudah pernah ditanyakan membuat persiapan menghadapi ujian yang sebenarnya akan menjadi lebih terarah, lebih fokus dan lebih efektif.
Bentuk soal yang akan diujikan dari tahun ke tahun pada umumnya materinya sama. Pada pelajaran yang menitikberatkan pada hafalan soanya bisa sangat mirip bahkan ada yang persis sama. Sedangkan pada soal hitungan, rumus dan analisanya pada umunya sama.
Oleh karena itu, kami menyarankan bagiadik-adik calon mahasiswa baru (camaba) tahun ini, kuasailah minimal 10 tahun terakhir soal ujian yang sudah pernah keluar.
Pada kesempatan ini, bimbel WIN berbagi soal asli Bahasa Inggris UTBK tahun 2021 lengkap dengan pembahasannya yang mudah untuk dimengerti. Di akhir pembahasan, kami juga mengajak adik-adik camaba untuk tetap berlatih pada soal online yang sudah kami siapkan, Ayouk teruslah berlatih...!!! Semoga tahun ini kalian semuanya yang belajar disini bisa lolos di pilihan pertama kalian, Amiiin... 🙏🙏
Many people now get news from social media sites and networks. It can often be difficult to trell wheter stories are credible or not. Thus, there has been an increase in faalse information. False information is news, stories or hoaxes created to deliberately deceive readers. Usuallu, these stories are created to either influence people’s views, push a political agenda, or cause confusion.
There are four types of take information. First, clickbait stories use sensationalist headlines to grab attention at the expense of truth or accuracy. Second, propaganda are created to mislead audiences. They are also almed to promote a blased point of view or particular political cause. The third typesatire. Lost of websites and social media accounts publish fake news stories for entertainment and parody. Fourth, there is sloppy journalism. Sometimes reporters or journalists may publish a story with unreliable information or without checking all of the facts. All of these types need to be aware of and avoided by readers.
Adaptrd form :
In the passage there are statements like these;
It can often be difficult to tell wheter stories are credible or not. Thus, there has been an increase in false information.
💦Soal No. 1
..., the frequency of false information will be reduced by now.
- (A) Only if people avoid reading online news at all cost
- (B) Have readers been more literate about what they read
- (C) Given the fact that news is almost impossible to analyse
- (D) If readers are capable of checking the credibilitiy of a source
- (E) Provided all stories are written published in an insterting way
Jika pembaca mampu memeriksa kredibilitas sumber berita
maka frekuensi informasi palsu akan berkurang sekarang
💥Kunci Jawaban : D
- (A) mislead
- (B) betray
- (C) blame
- (D) dismiss
- (E) disappoint
Menurut teks tersebut itu, informasi palsu dibuat dengan sengaja untuk
menyesatkan pembaca.
💥Kunci Jawaban : A
- (A) firm
- (B) slippery
- (C) careless
- (D) ignorant
- (E) convincing
Berdasarkan bacaan tersebut, kata sloppy pada paragraf 2 berarticareless artinya ceroboh
💥Kunci Jawaban : C
- (A) would
- (B) could
- (C) might
- (D) must
- (E) shall
Untuk menghasilkan informasi yang dapat dipercaya,
wartawan HARUS memeriksa kembali
semua fakta yang mereka miliki.
💥Kunci Jawaban : D
- (A) Suggesstions for journalists to write better articles
- (B) Alternative media to look for more reliable sources
- (C) Common political agenda hidden behind such false news
- (D) Advice for readers on how to spot false information
- (E) Stores written and published in a reliable way
Paragraf berikut ini kemungkinan besar membahas tentang
Media alternatif untuk mencari sumber yang
lebih terpercaya
💥Kunci Jawaban : B
- (A) salt and high blood pressure
- (B) anemia and iron defficiency
- (C) water and dehydration
- (D) iron and heart disease
- (E) sugar and energy
Penulis tampaknya akan setuju bahwa hubungan antara
peradangan dan penyakit adalah
paragraf 1 akrab dengan fenomena ...
Garam dan tekanan darah tinggi
💥Kunci Jawaban : D
- (A) painful – more
- (B) serious – slighter
- (C) acute – lower
- (D) frequent – greater
- (E) severe – higher
Berdasarkan bacaan tersebut, semakin. sering
inflamasi yang dialami, semakin lebih
besar resiko terkena penyakit.
💥Kunci Jawaban : D
- (A) Sentence (1)
- (B) Sentence (2)
- (C) Sentence (3)
- (D) Sentence (4)
- (E) Sentence (5)
kalimat yang TIDAK relevan dengan topikdibahas dalam paragraf 4 adalah :
is because it is rich in monosaturated fats
💥Kunci Jawaban : D
- (A) 1 and 2
- (B) 1 and 3
- (C) 2 and 3
- (D) 2 and 5
- (E) 3 and 5
Penulis menjelaskan makanan anti-inflamasi yangdapat mengurangi jumlah makanan yang diambil dalam paragraf... 3 dan 5
💥Kunci Jawaban : E
- (A) B – D – A – C – E
- (B) A – B – C – E – D
- (C) A – D – B – C – E
- (D) D – A – C – B – E
- (E) A – B – C – D – E
Susunan jumble sentence yang tepat adalah
💥Kunci Jawaban : A
- (A) The brief definition of digital scent technology in paragraph 1 is futher elaborated through a number of useful application programs in paragraph 2.
- (B) Paragraph 1 mentions several devices to support digital scent technology followed by the explanation of developing such devices in paragraph 2.
- (C) The author’s agreement of digital scent technology development in paragraph 1 is contrasted with the idea of is termination in paragraph 2
- (D) The definition of digital scent technology in paragraph 1 is followed by a number of its applications in various sectors in paragraph 2.
- (E) Paragraph 1 contains the overview of digital scent technology followed by the obstacles in its development ini paragraph 2.
Definisi singkat teknologi wewangian digital pada paragraf 1 dijabarkan lebih lanjut melalui jumlah program aplikasi yang berguna dalam paragraf 2.
💥Kunci Jawaban : A
- (A) The success of smell tastes in the global digital scent technology market depens on the price of electroniic nose.
- (B) We do not yet enjoy the digital scent technology because it is expensive and it has not been perfectly developed.
- (C) People face the problem of delay in developing technology related to digital scent in the global market.
- (D) The production of eleccronic nose has been delayed because it has been limited by the blobal digital scent technology market.
- (E) An electronic nose costs a lot and delay is the successful decision in marketing the global digital scent technology.
yang paling tepat untuk menyatakan kembalikalimat yang digarisbawahi dalam paragraf 2?
High cost of electronic nose and delays between
successive smell tastes are some restrains faced by the global digital scent
technology market.adalah :
Biaya tinggi dari hidung elektronik dan
penundaan antara rasa penciuman berturut-turut adalah beberapa kendaladihadapi
oleh pasar teknologi aroma digital global.
💥Kunci Jawaban : C
- (A) Digital scent technology benefits people who want to purchase certain product online
- (B) Unpredictable air flow is one of the obstacles in digital scent technology
- (C) Smell is the latest development of digital scent technology
- (D) Digital scent technology is an expensive technology
- (E) Electronic nose is helpful in developing digital scent technology
Pernyataan di bawah ini benar menurut bacaan tersebut,
KECUALI ..pernyataan pada pilihan C bahwa ;
Smell is the latest development of digital scent
💥Kunci Jawaban : C
- (A) Digital scent technology provides a particular market to promote its benefits.
- (B) Digital scent technology is just a dream of people working in technology sector.
- (C) Digital scent technology won’t e able to satisfy human’s needs.
- (D) Digital scent technology improves the effectiveness of human’s onlne interctions
- (E) Digital scent technology can be used in mobile phones and video games.
Yang bisa dijadikan kesimpulan pada teks ini adalah :
Teknologi aroma digital menyediakan pasar tertentu untuk mempromosikan manfaatnya.
💥Kunci Jawaban : A
- (A) A pilot study on capabilitiy of fdigitl scent technology has been conducted
- (B) high predictabilitiy of air flow helps the smooth development of digital scent
- (C) Digital scent technology still needs some improvements
- (D) Aromatheraphy is the only benefit of digital scent technology in healthcare sector
- (E) Scent synthesizer and E-nose are less developed compared to other scren devices
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