Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN Tahun 2018 (Kode 526)
Bimbel WIN:
Belajar dari bentuk soal yang sudah pernah ditanyakan membuat
persiapan menghadapi ujian yang sebenarnya akan menjadi lebih terarah,
lebih fokus dan lebih efektif.
Bentuk soal yang akan diujikan dari tahun ke tahun pada umumnya
materinya sama. Pada pelajaran yang menitikberatkan pada hafalan soanya bisa
sangat mirip bahkan ada yang persis sama. Sedangkan pada soal hitungan,
rumus dan analisanya pada umunya sama.
Oleh karena itu, kami menyarankan bagiadik-adik calon mahasiswa
baru (camaba) tahun ini, kuasailah minimal 10 tahun terakhir soal ujian yang sudah
pernah keluar.
Pada kesempatan ini, bimbel WIN berbagi soal asli Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN tahun 2018 kode 526 lengkap dengan pembahasannya yang mudah untuk dimengerti. Di akhir pembahasan, kami juga mengajak adik-adik camaba untuk tetap berlatih pada soal online yang sudah kami siapkan, Ayouk teruslah berlatih...!!! Semoga tahun ini kalian semuanya yang belajar disini bisa lolos di pilihan pertama kalian, Amiiin... 🙏🙏
- (A) The access ti ICT for Indonesian students
- (B) The positive impact to ICT on modern life
- (C) The use of ICT in education
- (D) The benefits of ICT for life
- (E) ICT and modern life
Nowadays our lives are practically dependent in the information communicarion Technology { ICT } dst……
Teks ini terutama berhubungan dengan penggunaan Tekhnology informasi komunikasi dalam pendidikan
Melihat dari keseluruhan isi teks yang banyak dibicarakan adalah penggunaan TIK yang berhubungan dengan pendidikan
💥 Kunci Jawaban : C
- (A) penetration
- (B) connecion
- (C) presence
- (D) benefit
- (E) device
💥 Kunci Jawaban : A
- (A) democratization
- (B) Competitiveness
- (C) Revolution
- (D) Advancement
- (E) Importance
Kata yang paling tepat yang memberikan gagasan bahwa teknologi memberikan siswa kebebasan untuk menggunakan sumber yang bervariasi adalah kata DEMOCRATATION
💥 Kunci Jawaban : A
- (A) The other sentences in paragraph 1 explain further the kinds of integration of technology and media that can be of benefits to young learnes.
- (B) The other sentences in paragraph 1 explain th impact of the integration of technology and media in early education of technology in the first sentences.
- (C) The other sentences in paragraph 1 are examples of the use of technology in education
- (D) The first sentences contains information that is contary to information in the other sentences.
- (E) The other sentences vaguely support part of the statement in the first sentence.
Kalimat pertama berhubungan dengan kalimat lain di paragraph 1
Kalimat lain pada paragraph 1 menjelaskan lebih lanjut jenis integrase teknologi dan media yang dapat bermanfaat bagi pelajar muda
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
- (A) Successful integration of technology and media is getermined by the quality of the computers and the connection of the internet.
- (B) The integration of technology and media occurs when the teacher focuses only on the technology itself
- (C) The successful itegration of technology and media in early chilhood education really depends on good educators.
- (D) Educators should be selective in choosing educational goals to be integrated with the use of technology and media
- (E) Both passive and interactive uses technology and media are needed as a key to successful learning in early chilhood settings.
Penulis ingin menyetujui bahwa kesuksesan integrasi teknologi dan media adalah ditandai dengan adanya pada pendidikan usia dini sangat tergantung pada pendidik yang baik
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
- (A) The interacitve media as a learning tools should be used too replace the exsiting classroom practice
- (B) The successful integration of new technology in education requires helpful and good teachers
- (C) The benefits if technology and media in chilhood classrooms can be achieved by decreasing the use of those toold in teaching and learning
- (D) Manipulating the colorful shapes to explore color and shapes using technology is the best way to develop interactive learning.
- (E) The use of paints, makers, crayons and other graphic art materials should be replaced by the integration of technology and media
Penulis memiliki asumsi bahwa kesuksesan integrasi teknologi baru pada pendidikan mensyaratkan guru yang baik dan penolong
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
- (A) 1
- (B) 2 dan 3
- (C) 2 dan 4
- (D) 3 dan 4
- (E) 4
Paragraph yang menjelaskan pentingnya menggunakan teknologi dan media secara bijak sehingga dapat mendukung eksistensi praktik di kelas adalah pada paragraph 2 dan 3
The green movement is catching on in many pocket of the world . this is especially true in the construction industry …. dst
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
- (A) Environmental issues have made people more cautions of their actions
- (B) Global warming and zero emissions become everyone's concern
- (C) People have to take care of their grennhouse carefully
- (D) Eco-friendly environmental programs should be strongly enforced
- (E) All people around the world are aware of global warming
Makna yang tersirat dari pernyataan by saying today’s buzz words which include global warming and zero emission are causing everyday people to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint .dari kata kunci look for ways ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah yang di angkat menarik semua orang
Yang terdapat pada pilihan global warming and zero emission become every one concern
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
- (A) Many people consider it crucial to have eco-friendly environmens
- (B) People who are aware of environtmental issues love safe and healthy surroundings
- (C) House designers should consider the importance of green materials
- (D) Everyone should understand the effect of global warming and zero emissions well
- (E) Environmentalists are concerned with the green environment.
Jawaban yang tepat untuk menyatakan kembali pada kalimat : the green movement is catching on in many pocket of the world
Adalah pilihan jawaban kalimat A yaitu tiap orang menganggap bahwa hal itu adalah sangat penting untuk memiliki keramahan dengan lingkungan
Many people consider it crusial to have eco friendly environment
Hal ini bisa di lihat dari kata2 yang serupa seperti
Catching on : Consider it crusial
dengan kata many pocket of world : many people
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
- (A) It provides all eco-friendly properties
- (B) It is good asset to buy a property in it
- (C) It encourages all house to utilize efficient energy
- (D) It reduces global warming and emissions
- (E) It is where more natural livings can exist
Gagasan yang tidak benar dari penulis tentang dockside green adalah bahwa membatasi investasi hanya di dockside green saja yang bisa menanggulangi pemanasan global dan zero emisi padahal masih ada factor lain yaitu reboisasi
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
- (A) Describing a new housing trend and providing a detailed example
- (B) Discuccing an environmental issue and providing ways to solve the issue
- (C) Identifying a community problem and discussing possible solutions to the problem
- (D) Explaining an environmentally friendly initiative and discussing the impacts of the initiative
- (E) Establihing a new community initiative that is eco-friendly ad explaining the ideas behind the initiative
Penulis mengatur ide ide pada bacaan diatas dengan
Menjelaskan trend perumahan baru dan memberikan contoh secara terperinci
Having known the benefit of seasonal detoxification it is then important for is to know how to do it
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
- (A) doubtful
- (B) positive
- (C) critical
- (D) realistic
- (E) neutral
Sikap penulis mengenai detoxification adalah : Positive
💥 Kunci Jawaban: E
- (A) Its advantage
- (B) Its definition
- (C) Its side effect
- (D) Its orgin
- (E) Its process
Tentang seasional detoxification
Topik yang di bahas dalam teks mayoritas yang di bahas tentang keuntungannya atau its advantage
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
- (A) To achive the best result, a detoxification program needs to be done in between april and may. To do this, people need to combine cleansing with alkaline - based diet taht relies havily on organic foods
- (B) To obtain the best outcome for health, a detoxification program can only be dine during winter or spring for three days up to three weeks. An effective way to do this is by combining cleansing and alkaline foods with light exercises
- (C) Seasonal detoxification should be done during the transition from winter to spring since it is the right time to get rid of toxins, shed extra weight and alkalize the body. to do this, people should incorporate cleansing and organic plant - based diet and combine them with mind - body helaing practices
- (D) Traditinonal Chinese Medicine (TCM) philosophy believes that seasonal detoxification in a crucial practice for a holistec mind - body healing. This is because every season correlates to our body differently. According to this philosphy our body is craving for a spring cleanse every year, and we meust lisen to our body.
- (E) Cleansing and alkalizing foods, nutrients, botanical, and mind-body healing practices are the foundations of traditional chinese medicine. To incoporate a TCM philosophy. Every person must do a fast cleansing program in the spring
Kesimpulan bacaan tersebut adalah :
Menjelaskan cara melakukan detoksifikasi berdasarkan musim terutama detoksifikasi musim semi
Ditoksifikasi berdasarkan musim harus dilaksanakan pada masa pergantian musim dingin ke musim semi karna itu waktu tepat menyingkirkan racun. Membuang kelebihan berat badan . masyarakat harus menggabungkan antara detoksifikasi dengan makanan berasal dari tumbuhan , menggabungkannya dengan praktek penyembuhan pikiran dan badan
Seasonal detoxification shlud be done during transition from winter to spring since it is the right time to get rid of toxins shed extra weight and alkalize the body . to do this people should incorporate cleanshing and organic plantbased diet and combine them with main body healing practice
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
- According to the passage, the worse the environmental condition, the... (A) Harder peoplehave to work to lower the level of toxins in their bodies
- (B) Longer the seasonal effect of detoxification people will experineces
- (C) Higher the level of toxins people will have in their bodies
- (D) Longer detoxification program people will have to do
- (E) More components of a detox diet are needed
Berdasarkan bacaan semakin buruk kondisi lingkungan semakin
Tinggi tingkat toksin dalam tubuh merek
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C