Latihan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris - Adjective (Kata Sifat) ke-1
A long time ago, there lived a wealthy and affluent king in a far away kingdom. He had a very beautiful daughter of marriageable age, named Alice. All the young men in the country wanted to marry her, but she refused all offers of marriage. Most of the rich old men asked for her hand in marriage, but she called them old and ugly. Afiong was very proud and vain.
In spite of repeated entreaties from her parents, she refused to marry any man from her land. She vowed to marry a rich prince from a far away kingdom. Her prince would be the best-looking man in the entire world. He would be strong and perfect in every way, and capable of loving her properly. So Alice the princess continued to disobey her parents, at which they were very much grieved. One day, there was commotion within the village. “What could be happening?” people enquired. Not long after, the news got to the palace, a very fine man had been seen in the market, who was better-looking than any of the natives. Alice rushed to the market at once, and directly she saw the most handsome man she had ever set her eyes on. She fell in love immediately, and invited him to her house. The prince was delighted, and went home with her.
01. A long time ago, there lived a wealthy and affluent king in a far away kingdom.
wealthy: kaya
02. A long time ago, there lived a wealthy and affluent king in a far away kingdom.
affluent: makmur
03. Most of the rich old men asked for her hand in marriage, but she called them old and ugly. Alice was very proud and vain.
proud: angkuh
04. Most of the rich old men asked for her hand in marriage, but she called them old and ugly. Alice was very proud and vain.
vain: sombong
05. Her prince would be the best-looking man in the entire world.
entire: seluruh, penjuru
06. He would be strong and perfect in every way, and capable of loving her properly.
perfect: sempurna
07. He would be strong and perfect in every way, and capable of loving her properly.
capable: dapat/mampu
08. So Alice the princess continued to disobey her parents, at which they were very much grieved.
grieved: berduka, bersedih hati
09. Not long after, the news got to the palace, a very fine man had been seen in the market, who was better-looking than any of the natives.
fine: baik
10. The prince was delighted, and went home with her.
delighted: senang, gembira
wealthy : kaya
affluent : makmur
proud : angkuh
vain : sombong
entire : seluruh, penjuru
perfect : sempurna
capable : dapat/mampu
grieved : berduka, bersedih hati
fine : baik
delighted : senang, gembira
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