Recount Text Bahasa Inggris Kelas X
A. Purpose:
To tell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events.
B. Text Organization (Struktur Teks):
1. Personal recounts
- Orientation
(Who were involved in he story, when and where)
- Events
(Tell what happened in a chronological order)
- Evaluation
(Comments of the writer,speaker about the experience)
- Reorientation - optional
(The conclusion of the experience )
2. Factual recounts
(Who were involved in he story, when and where)
- Event
(Tell what happened in a chronological order)
- Evaluation
(Comments of the writer/speaker in personal recounts)
- Reorientation - optional
(Conclusion, tentative in personal recount)
C. Language Features:
- Nouns and pronouns sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan atau benda yang terlibat.
(e.g. : Asep, we, his).
- Action verbs atau kata kerja tindakan.
(e.g. : went, spend, played).
- Past Tense
(e.g. : we went for a trip to the zoo.)
- Conjunctions and time/chronological connectives yang mengurutkan peristiwa, kegiatan atau kejadian.
(e.g. : and, but, after, finally).
- Adverbs and adverbs of phrases untuk mengungkapkan tempat, waktu dan cara.
(e.g. : in my house, two days ago, slowly, cheerfully.)
- Adjective untuk menerangkan nouns.
(e.g. : beautiful, sunny)
Greetings from the roof of the world
While I'm waiting for helicopter to arrive, I'm taking advantage of the time to write you a quick letter. Let me go back to the beginning. After we spent a couple of days in Kathmandu, we took a bus to a little village where our porters were assembled. It was wonderful to get on the trail. When we started out, we were at low evaluation in a semitropical landscape, but the trail led ever upward, and three days, we were among steps cliffs and towering mountains. I've never seen so many waterfalls. After we had tracked for a week, we came to the snow zone. I was glad I had bought a lot of warm clothes. The water in my canteen froze every night! Before we climbed the high pass, I had a headache and wobbly knees. But the pain was worth it. The view was spectacular-jagged peaks everywhere, like a frozen stormy sea. Unfortunately, there was an accident on the way down. While he was scrambling over loose rock, Pete, a member of our party, fell and twisted his ankle. Luckily, the next village wasn't far. but Pete can't continue, his ankle is very swollen, and he can't walk. We radioed for help, and a helicopter is on the way. I'm sending this letter with poor Pete, so bye for now, and see you in a few weeks.
P.S. Oh, I almost forget to tell you. Before I left the U.S. I bought a pair of those hiking boots you recommended. They've been great.
01. Which of the following sentences is incorrect?
- (A) Nelly and Pete finished their adventure with no trouble.
- (B) Nely and Pete had to keep on a certain place before they climbed the high pass.
- (C) Nelly wrote the letter to the writer after she had left Kathmandu.
- (D) Nelly enjoyed her adventure.
- (E) Nelly and Pete visited petite village in their adventure.
Kunci Jawaban: A
02. The communicative purpose of the text is ........
- (A) to retell events for the purpose of the informing.
- (B) to describe the way things are.
- (C) to inform readers or listeners about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
- (D) to describe a particular person or thing.
- (E) to explain the process involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural phenomena.
Kunci Jawaban: A
03. These following language features are used by the writer, except ........
- (A) simple past tense.
- (B) reported speech.
- (C) circumstances of time.
- (D) focus on specific participants.
- (E) focus on temporal sequence.
Kunci Jawaban: B
04. " ....... we took a bus to a little village where our porters were assembled." (par. 1) The underlined word means ........
- (A) gathered.
- (B) serviced.
- (C) scrambled.
- (D) lifted.
- (E) brought.
Kunci Jawaban: A
05. How long did Nelly and Peter stay in Kathmandu?
- (A) four days.
- (B) two days.
- (C) a week.
- (D) two weeks.
- (E) a day.
Kunci Jawaban: B
The following text is for questions 06 and 07.
Picasso was one of the most outstanding and important artist of the 1900's. He is best known for his painting. Almost every style in modern art is represented in Picasso's work.
Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain as the son of an art teacher. He studied painting from his father and several art schools. However, he never finished his college level course of study at the Academy of Arts in Madrid.
From about 1895 to 1901, he painted realistic works in a traditional style. Then he entered what was called the Blue Period during this time, he only used shades of blue in his paintings to show the poverty he saw in Barcelona.
After 1908, he entered into the style of cubiism. Among his well-known cubist paintings are "Three Musicians" and "Man with a Guitar".
Picasso died in Mougins, France in 1973. He was a really great artist.
06. Why did Picasso become so popular? Because ........
- (A) he was the most outstanding artist of the 1900's.
- (B) he was known for his great paintings.
- (C) he painted in traditional style.
- (D) he was son of an art teacher.
- (E) he studied in art school.
Kunci Jawaban: B
07. What can you infer from the text?
- (A) Picasso's father was not good at art.
- (B) Picasso passed away at the age of 92.
- (C) Picasso was unpopular artist of 1900's.
- (D) Blue Period shows the prosperity in Barcelona.
- (E) For 8 years, Picasso painted realistic works in a traditional style.
Kunci Jawaban: B
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