Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris SNMPTN tahun 2010 (Kode 326)
Bimbel WIN:
Belajar dari bentuk soal yang sudah pernah ditanyakan membuat
persiapan menghadapi ujian yang sebenarnya akan menjadi lebih terarah,
lebih fokus dan lebih efektif.
Bentuk soal yang akan diujikan dari tahun ke tahun pada umumnya
materinya sama. Pada pelajaran yang menitikberatkan pada hafalan soanya bisa
sangat mirip bahkan ada yang persis sama. Sedangkan pada soal hitungan,
rumus dan analisanya pada umunya sama.
Oleh karena itu, kami menyarankan bagiadik-adik calon mahasiswa
baru (camaba) tahun ini, kuasailah minimal 10 tahun terakhir soal ujian yang
sudah pernah keluar.
Pada kesempatan ini, bimbel WIN berbagi soal asli Bahasa Inggris
SNMPTN tahun
2010 kode 326 lengkap dengan
pembahasannya yang mudah untuk dimengerti. Di akhir pembahasan, kami juga
mengajak adik-adik camaba untuk tetap berlatih pada soal online yang sudah kami
siapkan, Ayouk teruslah berlatih...!!! Semoga tahun ini kalian semuanya yang
belajar disini bisa lolos di pilihan pertama kalian, Amiiin... 🙏🙏
Gunakan PETUNJUK A untuk menjawab soal nomor 31 sampai dengan nomor 45!
Text 1
Climate change is with us. A decade ago, it was conjecture. Now the future is unfolding before our eyes. Canada's Inuit see it in melting Arctic ice and permafrost. The shantytown dwellers of Latin America and Southern Asia see it in lethal storms and floods. Europeans see it in disappearing glaciers, forest fires and fatal heat waves. Scientists see it in tree rings, ancient coral and bubbles trapped in ice cores. These reveal that the world has not been as warm as it is now for a millennium or more. Earth has probably never warmed as fast as in the past 30 years - a period when natural influences on global temperatures, such as solar cycles and volcanoes should have cooled us down.
People are causing the change by burning nature's vast stores of coal, oil and natural gas. This releases billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide every year although the changes may actually have started with the dawn of agriculture, say some scientists. The physics of the "greenhouse effect" has been a matter of scientific fact for a century. is a greenhouse gas that traps the sun's radiation within the troposphere. It has accumulated along with other man-made greenhouse gases, such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons (GFCs). If current trends continue, we will raise atmospheric concentrations to double pre-industrial levels during this century. That will probably be enough to raise global temperatures by around 2°C to , Some warming is certain, but the degree will be determined by feedbacks involving melting ice, the oceans, water vapor, clouds and changes to vegetation. Global warming is bringing about other unpredictable changes. Melting glaciers and precipitation are causing some rivers to overflow, while evaporation is emptying others. Diseases are spreading. Some crops grow faster while others see yields slashed by disease and drought. Strong hurricanes are becoming more frequent and destructive. Arctic sea ice is melting faster every year, and there are growing fears of a shutdown of the ocean currents that keep Europe warm for its latitude. Clashes over dwindling water resources may cause conflicts in many regions.
💦 Soal No. 31
The first paragraph of the text mainly deals with the topic on ...
- (A) natural causes of global warming.
- (B) effects of global warming in Arctic regions.
- (C) natural disasters happening worldwide.
- (D) current facts forctimate change everywhere.
- (E) an increase of the world's temperature.
Wacana menjelaskan tentang perubahan cuaca memberikan bukti-bukti saat ini yang terjadi sebagai akibat perubahan cuaca tersebut. Jawaban: Currents facts for climate change everywhere
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
💦 Soal No. 32
- (A) random changes in the flow of sea cur - rents.
- (B) natural disasters and social problems.
- (C) a longer winter period in European coun- tries.
- (D) widespread floods and deadly droughts.
- (E) torrential storms in equatorial regions.
Paragraph ketiga menginformasikan efek-efek bencana dan konflik pada negara-negara. Jawaban: natural disaster and social problems.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
💦 Soal No. 33
- (A) a lot of agricultural activities involve oil or coal burning.
- (B) the tropospheric layer is filled up with the sun's radiation.
- (C) methane and chlorofluorocarbons concentrate in the air.
- (D) the rays from the sun are blocked by greenhouse gases.
- (E) a large amount of ice in the poles melts much faster than normal.
Dalam wacana tertulis, CO2 is a greenhouse gas that traps the sun radiation within the troposphere Jawaban: The tropospheric layer is filled up with radiation
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
💦 Soal No. 34
- (A) expand.
- (B) increase.
- (C) disappear.
- (D) melt.
- (E) evaporate.
Dapat diprediksi bahwa jika tindakan global tidak segera diambil untuk mengontrol pelepasan gas rumah kaca, maka lapisan tanah yang sudah membeku di kutub utara dalam sepuluh tahun akan signifikan menghilang.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
💦 Soal No. 35
- (A) extended droughts and famine.
- (B) gradual increase of global temperature.
- (C) growing heavy snow storms.
- (D) decrease of Arctic sea ice areas.
- (E) seasonal floods due to the raise of sea levels.
Yang bukan dampak dari perubahan iklim pada alam adalah bertumbuhnya badai salju yang besar/hebat.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
- (A) Dr. Perls and his team investigate several factors believed to contribute to longev ity.
- (B) There are factors of a variety of sources, including family conditions that explan longevity.
- (C) All the Huriburts are considered to be a perfect model for The Long Life Family Study.
- (D) Agnes Buckley who has 11 brothers and makes her 96 years old was born in 1913.
- (E) The Long Life Family Study involves researchers from research centers of different countries.
Yang merupakan pendapat tentang informasi dalam wacana adalah All Hurlburts considered to be a perfect model for The Long Life Family Study.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
💦 Soal No. 37
Paragraph terakhir meyatakan bahwa : "There are a lot of behaviors and tradition, that happen in families that play a role in longer life expectancies." Jawaban : research steps that will be taken for investigating longer life expectancies.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
💦 Soal No. 38
- (A) did a lot of outdoor activities.
- (B) like having physical exercises.
- (C) made her father get annoyed.
- (D) was the pride for her family.
- (E) once escaped from her family.
Dalam wacana dinyatakan "when their father hid her shoes to keep her at home, agnes simply by pasted the front door and leaped ot the window." Jawaban: made her father get annoyed
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
💦 Soal No. 39
- (A) speculative.
- (B) convincing.
- (C) integrated.
- (D) influential.
- (E) unavoidable.
Dalam wacana dinyatakan " here are lots of behaviors and traditions that happen in families that play a role in longer life expectancies ." Jawaban: influential
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
💦 Soal No. 40
- (A) absence in sugary food consumption.
- (B) doing regular physical exercises.
- (C) having 3 lot of fun as a teenager.
- (D) regular health examinations.
- (E) good practices in having selective diets.
Jawaban: doing regular physical exercises
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
- (A) Dairy products are blamed for methane and nitrous oxide emissions.
- (B) Measuring our stomach's CO2 eq footprint is more easily said than done.
- (C) US household's yearly carbon footprint is 8.1 tonnes on the average.
- (D) Carbon footprints have been in use to la bel foods in supermarkets.
- (E) Academics are concerned with the greenhouse gas emissions.
Dalam wacana dinyatakan, "So how do you calculate your stomach's CO2 eq footprint? lt's far from simple." Artinya dapat diberikan pendapat bahwa measuring our stomach's CO2 eq footprint is more easily said than done.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
💦 Soal No. 42
- (A) solar energy.
- (B) biogas fuels.
- (C) coal energy.
- (D) fossil fuels.
- (E) bio energy.
Dalam wacana, "Food produced using wind or solar power will produce lower emissions than food reliant on gas or coal." Jawaban: solar energy
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
💦 Soal No. 43
- (A) known for its greenhouse gas contents.
- (B) low in Its greenhouse gas contents.
- (C) manufactured without gas or oil.
- (D) processed with natural ingredients.
- (E) taken from unpolluted seas or rivers.
Jawaban : manufactured without gas or oil.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
💦 Soal No. 44
- (A) realize the greenhouse gas contents of the food they consume,
- (B] aware of the danger of consuming some food products.
- (C) concerned more with the greenhouse gas contents in the foods.
- (D) reduce food products with high levels of greenhouse gas contents.
- (E) choose the right foods with appropriate greenhouse gas contents.
Jawaban: choose the right foods with appropriate greenhouse gas contents
💥 Kunci Jawaban: E
💦 Soal No. 45
- (A) occur in foods and their production and become the experts' interest; yet. the technology to assess them is not easy.
- (B) in foods exceed those of car driving as has been revealed by experts using complex procedures.
- (C) are suspected to be there in the food production and experts find it problem atic to prove this.
- (D) cannot be detemined using a simple method especially those that take place during food productions.
- (E) are the concern of screntists in food industries who specialize in the evaluation of the emission level.
Jawaban: occur in foods and become the experts, interest, yet, the techonology to assess them is not easy.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
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