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Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN tahun 2015 (Kode 609)

Bimbel WIN: 

Belajar dari bentuk soal yang sudah pernah ditanyakan membuat persiapan menghadapi ujian yang  sebenarnya akan menjadi lebih terarah, lebih fokus dan lebih efektif. 

Bentuk soal yang akan diujikan dari tahun ke tahun pada umumnya materinya sama. Pada pelajaran yang menitikberatkan pada hafalan soanya bisa sangat mirip bahkan ada yang persis sama. Sedangkan pada soal hitungan, rumus  dan analisanya pada umunya sama. 

Oleh karena itu, kami menyarankan bagiadik-adik calon mahasiswa baru (camaba) tahun ini, kuasailah minimal 10 tahun terakhir soal ujian yang sudah pernah keluar.

Pada kesempatan ini, bimbel WIN berbagi soal asli Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN tahun 2015 kode 609 lengkap dengan pembahasannya yang mudah untuk dimengerti. Di akhir pembahasan, kami juga mengajak adik-adik camaba untuk tetap berlatih pada soal online yang sudah kami siapkan, Ayouk teruslah berlatih...!!! Semoga tahun ini kalian semuanya yang belajar disini bisa lolos di pilihan pertama kalian, Amiiin...  🙏🙏    


Problems 76, 77, and 78 are based on the following passage.Chose one option that best completes the blank spaces in the passage!

The present study sought to documen the word reading and comprehension levels attained by children who were implanted by 5 year of age.It was hypothesized that the improved speech perception abilities acquired with cochlear implantation would promote phonologicalcoding kills. (76) ....

Three subtests of diagnostic reading assessment batteries standardized on hearing children were administered  to 181 children between 8 year 0 month and 11 year 9 month of age who had 4 to 6 year of implant experience. (77) ....  it included a lexical decision task ,a rhyme task,and the digit span subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence  Scale for Children.

Over half of the children scored within the average range for their age  compared with the normative data for hearing children. (78) .... they were higher nonverbal intelligence,higher family socio-economic status,and later onset of deafness between birth and 36 month.

💦 Soal No. 76

Which option best complete (1)?
(A) The finding showed that the hypothesis was accepted.
(B) The implantation was eventually shown to be succesful.
(C) The following paragraph would discuss the findings of the study.
(D) The objective of the study wash to see the subjects' reading skills.
(E) It wold also facilitate the acquisition of beginning reading skills.


Pertanyaan ini menanyakan yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat berikutnya dengan tepat. Pilihan yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang ditanyakan (kalimat 1) terdapat pada pilihan E ( It would also facilitate the acquisition of beginning reading skills). Pilihan ini tepat karena memberikan penguatan dan penambahan yang ada di kalimat 1 yang ditandai dengan menggunakan conjunction “also”. Sedangkan pilihan A,B,C, dan D tidak tepat karena masing masing yang ada dipilhan tersebut merupakan result atau yang menunjukan hasil yang tentu tidak sesuai dengan yang ditanyakan untuk melengkapi kalimat 1.

💥 Kunci Jawaban: E

💦 Soal No. 77
Which option best completes (2)?
(A) Likewise,the children were obliged to take a reading test.
(B) In addition,a battery of processing measures was administered.
(C) However,standard measurement was applied to test the subjects.
(D) Consequently ,the assessment was used to evaluate the reading skills.
(E) Instead,an interview consisting of many  different tasks wash conducted.


Pertanyaan yang ditanyakan pada nomor ini, sama hal nya akan di pertanyaan di nomor 2. Pertanyaan yang akan mengikuti kalimat tersebut dapat dijawab dengan melihat kalimat sebelumnya karena suatu paragrap yang baik harus memiliki kalimat yang satu dengan yang lain harus berhubungan (Coherence). Pada kalimat sebelumnya “ three subtests of diagnostic reading assesment batteries standardized on hearing children were administered to 181 children between 8 year 0 month and 9 years 11 month of age who had 4 to 6 years of implant experience.” Dapat dilengkapi atau ditambahi penjelasannya dengan kalimat yang ada di pilhan B. Sedangkan pilihan A, C, dn E menunjukan pertentangan dengan kalimat sebelumnya. Dan pilihan D itu menunjukan akibat yang tidak sesuai pula dengan kalimat sebelumnya.

💥 Kunci Jawaban: B

💦 Soal No. 78
Which option best completes (2)?
(A) Likewise,the children were obliged to take a reading test.
(B) In addition,a battery of processing measures was administered.
(C) However,standard measurement was applied to test the subjects.
(D) Consequently ,the assessment was used to evaluate the reading skills.
(E) Instead,an interview consisting of many  different tasks wash conducted.


Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini kita dapat dengan mudah dengan melihat kalimat sesudahnya, yakni “they were higher nonverbal intelligence, higher family socio-economic status, and later onset of deafness between birth and 36 months”. Untuk mengawali kalimat tersebut dapat dilengkapi dan dijawab pada pilihan C karena keitga hal tersebut merupakan penjelasan dan penjabaran pada kemampuan reading (reading skills) yang ada di pilihan C tersebut. Sedangkan pilihan A,B,D, dan E tidak tepat karena tidak mewakili dengan pada kalimat sesudahnya. ??

Kunci Jawaban: C

Questions 79-84 are based on the following passage.

            Not all snoring is sleep apnoea.But very loud snoring,because of the obstructed airway,is sometimes a sign of it.Other symtoms are as follows : daytime sleepiness, morning headaches, high blood presure, and abrupt awakenings or periods when someone else notices that you have stopped breathing.
            Untreated sleep apnoea has been linked to problem with glucose control that can lead to diabetes and with cardiovascular problems, such as an increased risk of high blood preasure. in additions,there is another potentially deadly effect : traffic accidents caused by sleepy drivers. It is not clear exactly how many such crashes there are, but sleeps experts in Europe estimade around 20 per cent. 
            The concern about accident has led a working group for the European Commission on Sleep Apnoea and Driving to recommend that the EU require drivers with sleep apnoea to get it under control,or else risk losing their licenses.The good nesw? "it has been demonstrated clearly now that effective treatment of sleep apnoea removes any excess risk of an auto accident." says the chairmanof the working group Dr.Walter McNicholas ,director of the Pulmonary and Sleep Disorders Unit at St Vincent's Univercity Hospital in Dublin. 
            Two decades ago,as few as four per cent of men and two per cent women had sleep apnoea,but those numbers are increasing,in part because more people have risk factors for it,such as obesity,McNicholas says.Genetic factor may also play a role. "Figure in the regions of five to ten per cent are now regularly talked about as prevalence figures for significant sleep apnoea," he says.That translate to between 35 and 70 millions Europeans. 
            With more cases,comes another concern. " When you consider that you diagnose such people by the monitoring if their breathing while they slleep,then the logistics of that are immense, " notes McNicholas. As a result,a good deal of a researc is focused on ways to easily and effectively find sleep apnoea,both in sleep labs and in the home,Devices that can detect sleep patterns,or portable monitor that can tracksleep while worn to bed at home,are two promissing solutions. 
            Treatment can be another story. Probably the most famiiar-and at the same time most common and most effective-treatment today is CPAP, which stands for continuous positive airway pressure.The system involves a small air pump tube,and mask that cover the nose (or nose and mouth) during sleep to direct air gently in to the upper airway. 
            The though of sleeping with a mask for the rest of one's life in certainly off-putting to some,Puertas says. After a while,some people even develop and attachment to their devices. Says McNicholas, "They actually go to bed and snuggle up with the CPAP mask." He believes it is the body's subconscious reactions to being able finally to relax and have a restful night's sleep after months or year of untreated sleep apnoea. 

💦 Soal No. 79
In which other paragraphis the cause of apnoea introduced in paragraph 1 discussed? 
(A) 2 
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(E) 6


Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan di paragrap mana lagi yang menjadi penyebab dari Apnoea yang telah didiskusikan dan dijelaskan di paragrap 1. Paragrap lain yang menjadi penyebab dari Apnoea yang telah didiskusian dan dijelaskan di paragrap 1 terdapat di paragrap 4 (pilihan C) “.......... two per cent of women had sleep apnoea, but those numbers are increasing, in part becuase more people have risk factors for it, such as Obesity, MicNicholas says”. karena sudah sangan jelas obesitas merupakan salah satu diantara penyebab dari Apnoea.

💥 Kunci Jawaban: C

💦 Soal No. 80
Which of the following reflects the idea of relationships between apnoea and its treatment using CPAP?
(A) Staying awake late and sleepines 
(B) Losing weight and balanced diets 
(C) Studying hard and good grades
(D) Reguler exercise and health 
(E) Working hard and thirst


Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan hubungan antara Apnoea dan pengobatannya dengan CPAP adalah bahwa dapat kita temukan di paragrap ke empat dan paragrap ke lima yakni dampak dari kedua hubungan tersebut dapat mengurangi berat badan dan diet yang seimbang. Jadi, pilihan yang ada di pilihan B tepat dan dapat mewakili pertanyaan tersebut.

💥 Kunci Jawaban: B

💦 Soal No. 81
The argument stated in lines 1-3,paragraph 4 assumes that... 
(A) a health standard of life has been decreasing during the last two decades 
(B) wealth contributes to the increase number of people with apnoea 
(C) instans food consumption causes the increase of apnoea casses
(D) people in the century have inherited incomplete DNA 
(E) diets that people take have changed dramatically


Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan bahwa maksud dari baris pertama sampai ketiga yang ada di paragrap ke empat, bahwa penulis berasumsi penyakit yang dialami dari paragrap tersebut yakni berupa Obesitas, oleh sebab itu perlu adanya Diet dan pengobatannya. Jadi, pilihan yang ada di pilihan E tepat karena dapat mewakili dari pada pilihan plihan jawaban yang lain.

💥 Kunci Jawaban: E

💦 Soal No. 82
The characteristics of people with apnoea with are best illustrated in paragraph... 
(A) 1 and 2 
(B) 1 and 4 
(C) 3 and 5 
(D) 2 and 6
(E) 3 and 7

Pembahasan : pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan karakteristik orang-orang yang memiliki Apnoea terdapat dengan jelas ada di paragrap 1 dan 2 (Pilihan A) karena di paragrap 1 dengan jelas digambarkan karakteristiknya “... But very loud snoring, because of the obstructed airway, is sometimes a sign of it. Others symptoms are as follows: daytime sleepiness, ,orning headeaches, high blood pressure,......”. dan di paragrap 2 “...... to rpoblem with glucose control that can lead to diabetes and with cardiovascular problems, such as an increased risk of high blood pressure.” Pernyataan di kedua paragrap tersebut sudah sangat jelas mewakili karakteristiknya.

💥 Kunci Jawaban: A

💦 Soal No. 83
Paragraph 5 implies that... 
(A) it is expensive to distribute a large number of apnoea monitoring devices
(B) an urgent effective and effecient metod of diagnosing apnoea is needed 
(C) the best way to diagnose apnoea is by the help of sleep laboratories 
(D) a portable devices is the most effective method for detecting apnoea 
(E) research has found the best way of diagnosing apnoea


Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan kesimpulan yang tepat berdasarkan apa yang ditanya di paragrap 5. Di paraprap ini menjelaskan solusi yang terbaik untuk memonitor Apnoea dengan mudah dn efektif dengan cara menggunakan Alat atau Device yang mudah untuk digunakan. Jadi, pilihan D tepat karena dapat mewakili isi yang ada di paragrap tersebut dengan tepat.

💥 Kunci Jawaban: D

💦 Soal No. 84
Which of the following sentences best restates ideas in paragraph 7? 
(A) Though disturbed,eventually people with apnoea will be used to wearing CPAP 
(B) At last,people with apnoea will have to develop themselves their own mask 
(C) After yaers of using masks,people with apnoea will be able to sleep soundly. 
(D) Sadly speaking,CPAP medication will certainly take year to cure apnoea. 
(E) Fortunately,the mask will definitely be needed ony during night times


Pertanyaan ini menanyakan pernyataan yang tepat yang dapat mewakili di paragrap 7 terdapat pada pilihan A. Walaupun beberapa orang mengatakan CPAP dapat mengkhawatirkan (unpleasant) terhadap pemakai seperti pada line pertama “the thought of sleeping with a mask for the rest of one’s life certanily off-putting to some”, Puertas says. tetapi akhir akhir ini orang-orang menggunakan CPAP mask tersebut, seperti yang terlihat dinyatakan pada line “after a while, some people even develop an attachement to their device,............ they actually go to bed and snuggled up with the CPAP mask.”

💥 Kunci Jawaban: A

Questions 85-90 are based on the folowing passage.

            The pursuit of true happines can lead people to lifestyles that will not only be satisfying but will be better for the environment,according to an overview of psychological research. "For decades,consumerism has been on a collision course with the environment.Thas is,consumer appetites drain the planet of natural resource and accelerate global warning.One view is that we need to change consumption in order to save the planet," said Miriam Tatzel. "But what if we approached it from the other way around? What if what is good for the consumer meets what is good for the environment?                  Positive psichology ,or the study of happines,well being,and quality of life ,providers the answer to what really brings happines to consumers,Tatzel said.Several studies have determined that people's basic psychological needs include competence,autonomy,positive relationship,self acceptance,and personal growth. Research has shown that rather than fulfilling these needs,the pursuit of money and possessions take time away from more personally fulfilling activities and social relationships. 
            Tatzel's research illustrated how many consumer traits have direct links to the environment for both good and bad.Materialism is not only bad for the environment;it is bad for consumer's well-being. "People's wants escalate as they tire of what they have and they want somthing else,which in turn leads to more consumption and more waste in landfills,more energy consumed and more carbon emmited into the atmosphere," she said. "The larger that gap between what one wants and what one has,the greater the dissatisfaction. Less materialism equals more happiness." 
            Tatzel noted that another path to well-being is thrift ,which means conserving resources as well as money.Careful people are happier with life in general,according to a 2014 study,That my be because avoiding the negative consequences of spending too much and going into debt is one way to avoid unhappiness,she said. 
            People enjoy doing things more than having things.Other studies find that people realize more lasting happiness by changing their activities than by changing their material circumstances. "Experiences existing in memory are incomparable, often shared with others and do not have to be resource intensive," said Tatzel. 
            Other research has found that people are more likely to be happy when they promote personal talens and relationships more than money and fame.They will also be likely to be happy when they have an independent sense of self that results in not caring muchwhat other think of their possessions.Tatzel said when it comes to having money,studies have shown a high income may buy life satisfaction,but not happines.Research has found that people's emotional happiness is effected differently by having money than people's life evaluation,which refers to thoughts about their life. Life evaluation steadily rises with income.Emotional happiness alsi rises with income .However, research has found that there is no further progress beyond an annual income of about $75,000. 
            "A society with some people beig idolized for being fabulously rich sets a standard of success that is unattainableand leads us to try to approach it by working more and spending more," Tatzel said "Cooling the consumption-driven economy,working less and consuming less are better for the environment and better for humans,too" 

💦 Soal No. 85
In the last part of paragraph 7,Tatzel holds the belief that... 
(A) human activities based on the economic desire will tend to damage environment 
(B) we tend to destruct nature and ourselves due to economically-oriented desires 
(C) succes in terms of economic based force humans to destroy personal value 
(D) the factors causing the damage of environments lie on the economic desires 
(E) it is possible to save environments if economic standards are increased


Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan dari pernyataan yang terakhir yang ada di paragrap 7 menjelasakan bahwa Tatzel percaya bahwa kita lebih cenderung untuk menghancurkan lingkungan kita sendiri karena banyak masyarakat yang memiliki hasrat dan hanya berorientasi pada faktor ekonomi atau uang saja. Terlebih juga dijelaskan dan dinyatakan sebelumnya oleh Tatzel yang ada di paragrap 3 yakni “Materialism is not only bad for the environment; it is bad for consumers’ well being. More energy consumed and more carbon emitted into the atmosphere.” Pernyataan itulah yang menambahkan pula bahwa masyarakat hanya beroreintasi pada faktor atau kepentingan ekonomi saja. Jadi, pilihan B tepat untuk mewakilinya daripada pilihan-pilihan yang lain.

💥 Kunci Jawaban: B

💦 Soal No. 86
In organizing the ideas in the passage,the author starts by... 
(A) offering a fact of the impact lifestyles on environment,followed with other evidence of non-                 destructing conducts 
(B) arguing for the importance of having appropriate lifestyles,describing research prosedures, and then       presenting result 
(C) showing human lifestile in search of happiness as conducts seriously causing harm to                              environments,exemplified with evidence 
(D) describing impacts of being eco-friendly resulting from keeping proper lifestyles and then                       descriptions of ways to get happiness 
(E) showing the link between consumerism and environment,and than arguing for true happiness good         for humans and environment


Pengaturan dan permulaan yang tepat dalam bacaan tersebut merupakan yang ditanyakan di pertanyaan ini. Di paragrap 1, terlebih di kalimat awalnya dinyatakan bahwa ada hubungannya antara hedonisme atau suka menghabiskan yang dimiliki masayarakat dengan lingkungannya sendiri. Hubungan tersebut menjadi perdebatan apakah memiliki hubungan yang saling menguntungkan di keduanya atau bahkan malah menghancurkan lingkungan itu sendiri demi meraih kebahagian dengan konsumtif nya masayarakat itu sendiri. Jadi, pilihan E tepat karena memiliki hubungan atau link antara konsumtif itu sendiri dengan dampak lingkungannya. Sedangkan pilihan A tidak tepat karena tidak diawali oleh fakta untuk memulai bacaan ini, pilihan B hanya diawali oleh pertentangan, pilihan C hanya menunjukan gaya hidup masyarakat itu sendiri, dan pilihan D menggambarkan dampaknya. Jadi pilihan A,B,C, dan D tidak tepat.

💥 Kunci Jawaban: E

💦 Soal No. 87
which reflects the authors' attitude towards the topic related with Tetzel's ideas presented in the passage? 
(A) Serious 
(B) Neutral 
(C) Critical 
(D) Formal 
(E) Anxious

Pembahasan: pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan paparan yang disampaikan oleh penulis tersebut adalah untuk mengkritik terhadap sifat konsumtif masyarakat terhadap lingkungannya terlebih hampir di seluruh paragrap adalah merupakan kritik yang disampaikan oleh penulis, semisal pada paragrap 3 baris 2 sampai 4, “Materialism is not only bad for the environment; it is bad for consumers’ well being. More energy consumed and more carbon emitted into the atmosphere.” 

💥 Kunci Jawaban: C

💦 Soal No. 88
The paragraph following the passage most likely deals with... 
(A) conclusions of the research result 
(B) implacations of the research findings 
(C) recommendations for the future follow-up 
(D) furture discussions on the findings 
(E) limitations of the research study


Pertanyaan ini menanyakan paragrap selanjutnya akan membicarakan akan hal apa, untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini kita cukup memahami paragrap akhir terlebi di kalimat akhir di paragrap tersebut. Paragrap tersebut membicarakan sifat yang kecenderungan yang dimili oleh masyarakat yang hanya berhasrat pada oerientasi ekonomi saja tanpa memikirkan dampaknya terutama akan lingkungan dan Tetzel juga sudah memberikan masukan atau saran agar mengatasinya seperti pada kalimat “...cooling the consumption driven economy, working less, and consuming less are better for the environment and better for human,”. Jadi atas penjelasan di atas tersebut dibutuhkan rekomendasi yang tepat untuk langkah selanjutnya untuk problem solving tersebut, Pilihan C tepat karena dapat mewakilinya. 

💥 Kunci Jawaban: C

💦 Soal No. 89
Ideas in the third paragraph may be best summarized as... 
(A) the level of consumerism may positively or negatively influence the flora and the fauna 
(B) materealistic persons are unhappy and tend to harm environments merely to meet their needs 
(C) humans become unhappy due to the existing gap between their needs and their need fulfillment 
(D) the more we feel the needs,the harder we try to fulfill them,and the worse we impact on nature 
(E) happy people are those who can fulfill their needs so that they do not put more burden on nature


Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan kesimpulan dari paragrap ketiga tersebut tentang apa, paragrap tersebut menjelaskan langkah atau cara jalan yang tepat untuk menghindar dari ketidakbahagiaan adalah dengan cara menjaga atau melindungi sesuatu dari kerusakan atau dengan hati hati menggunakan uang di dalam kehidupan. Ini berarti semakin banyak kebutuhan kita semakin sulit pula untuk memenuhinya dan dan akan lebih buruk dampak terhadap lingkungan itu sendiri. Pernyataan ini terdapat di pilihan D sehingga dapat mewakilnya dengan apa yang ditanyakan. 

💥 Kunci Jawaban: D

💦 Soal No. 90
Based on the passage,if we satisfyour thirst of lifestyle needs by being consumtive,... 
(A) our happiness may harm both others and environment 
(B) we will become completely happy with our achievement
(C) we may be happyat the cost of ourselvesand environments 
(D) we deserve to feeling happy for we earn it through hard work 
(E) the happiness we have is not true as there are other ways to get


Berdasarkan wacan teks di atas, jika kita puas akan kehausan gaya hidup dari sifat konsumtif kita maka ini berarti kita mungkin bangga atau bahagia akan jumah uang yang dibutuhkan untuk membeli sesuatu, terlebih dinyatakan yang ada di paragrap ketiga dan keempat. Jadi, pilihan C dapat mewakilinya daripada pilihan-pilihan yang lain.

💥 Kunci Jawaban: C

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