Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris SNMPTN tahun 2012 (Kode 122)
Bimbel WIN:
Belajar dari bentuk soal yang sudah pernah ditanyakan membuat
persiapan menghadapi ujian yang sebenarnya akan menjadi lebih terarah,
lebih fokus dan lebih efektif.
Bentuk soal yang akan diujikan dari tahun ke tahun pada umumnya
materinya sama. Pada pelajaran yang menitikberatkan pada hafalan soanya bisa
sangat mirip bahkan ada yang persis sama. Sedangkan pada soal hitungan,
rumus dan analisanya pada umunya sama.
Oleh karena itu, kami menyarankan bagiadik-adik calon mahasiswa
baru (camaba) tahun ini, kuasailah minimal 10 tahun terakhir soal ujian yang
sudah pernah keluar.
Pada kesempatan ini, bimbel WIN berbagi soal asli Bahasa Inggris
SNMPTN tahun
2012 kode 122 lengkap dengan
pembahasannya yang mudah untuk dimengerti. Di akhir pembahasan, kami juga
mengajak adik-adik camaba untuk tetap berlatih pada soal online yang sudah kami
siapkan, Ayouk teruslah berlatih...!!! Semoga tahun ini kalian semuanya yang
belajar disini bisa lolos di pilihan pertama kalian, Amiiin... 🙏🙏
Gunakan Petunjuk A untuk menjawab soal nomor 31 sampai dengan nomor 45!
Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 31 sampai dengan nomor 35!
Physalia is half-boat, half-building, and all green. This mammoth aluminium concept by a belgian architect Vincent Callebaut is meant to travel Europe's rivers, making filthy water drinkable. At the same time, the ship generates more energy than it uses.
A coat of titanium dioxide paint brushed onto the silvery shell will neutralize pollution by absorbing ultraviolet rays, enabling a chemical reaction that decomposes organic and inorganic toxins. It is the same technology used in certain high-tech concrete that breaks down airbone particulates. As the vessel whips along, purfying waterways, it can draw on both solar and hydro power. Turbines under the hull transform water movement into electricity, and rooftop photovoltaic cells harness energy from the sun. The roof doubles as a nursery, whose carefully selected plants help filter river gunk, whether from the thames, Rhine or Euphrates. But Physalia is not just designed to be a working ship. The vessel will also be a floating museum of sorts. Scientists who study aquatic ecosystems can hole up in the dedicated "Earth garden" lab, and tourists can visit temporary exhibits in a "water garden" or settle into a submerged lounge that could easily pass for London nightclub. Callebaut, 33, dramed up the idea after last year's United Nations Climate Change Conference in Conpehagen shone a long-overdue spotlight on global water issues. He has some superior terms for his project: It is a "nomadic hydrodynamic laboratory, "a "fragment of living earth, " and a "floating agora" on a "geopolitical scale." Others might just can it a cool ide.
💦 Soal No. 31
It is clear from the passage that the author of the passage above attempts to ...
- (A) expose Physalia's eco-friendliness.
- (B) explain advances in green technology.
- (C) describe a green experiment in a ship.
- (D) give details of an experimental ship.
- (E) show the multi-functions of Physalia.
Wacana melaporkan tentang Physalia dan fungsi-fungsinya. Jawaban: show the multi-function of physalia.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: E
💦 Soal No. 32
- (A) further descriptions of Physalia as a laboratory.
- (B) detailed explanations on the superiority of Physalia.
- (C) supplementary ideas of the greenness of Physalia.
- (D) complete information about the function of Physalia
- (E) additional descriptions of the excellence of Physalia.
Paragraph 3 menyediakan tentang informasi yang lengkap tentang fungsi physilia..
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
💦 Soal No. 33
- (A) idea
- (B) scale
- (C) agora
- (D) project
- (E) laboratory
Kalimat sebelum Others might just cali it a cool idea adalah, "He has some terms for his projet: it is a ..." Maka it adalah project
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
💦 Soal No. 34
- (A) A nightclub
- (B) A mountain
- (C) A tall building
- (D) A football court
- (E) A wide ocean
Dalam wacana, " ... or settle into a submerged lounge that could easily pass for a London night club." Jawaban : a night club
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
💦 Soal No. 35
- (A) ecological.
- (B) up to date.
- (C) advanced.
- (D) innovative.
- (E) scientific.
Dalam wacana ; " Others might just call it a cool idea." Jawaban: innovatif
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 36 sampai dengan nomor 40!
- (A) many kinds of liquid should be grouped as one.
- (B) different kinds of gas can be colorless and odorless.
- (C) materials in chemistry should be classified differently.
- (D) chemistry materials have more complicated classification.
- (E) taxonomy can be made and applied further to other areas.
Dalam wacana dinyatakan, " However, we soon realize that many probably quite different materials have the same appeareance' Both air and the deadly carbon-monoxide gas, are colorless, odor less gases, but would not like to group them as the something." Maka paragraph tersebut menjelaskan bahwa chemistry materials have more complicated classification
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
💦 Soal No. 37
- (A) chemicals may be solid, liquid, and gaseous.
- (B) appearance is not a useful basis in chemistry.
- (C) the use of colors is better than that of appearance.
- (D) both colors and appearance should be considered.
- (E) colors should be included for identifying appearance.
Paragraph 2 mencontohkan ide tentang pengklasifikasi tidak hanya menurut tampilan tapi juga perlu melihat warna. Jawaban: both color and appreance should be considered.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
💦 Soal No. 38
- (A) chemical materials can also be put into classification.
- (B) classification of chemical materials is without exception.
- (C) chemists may also classify materials using certain criteria.
- (D) when appearance is the basis, chemists are not involved.
- (E) in material classification, chemicals should not be included
Jawaban: chemists may also classify materials using certain criteria
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
💦 Soal No. 39
- (A) flora and fauna.
- (B) human sounds
- (C) liquids and gases.
- (D) human behaviors.
- (E) words and phrases.
Dalam wacana sudah membicarakan klasifikasi dari flora dan fauna, liquids dan gases, word, and phrases, maka yang berikut adalah tentang human behaviors.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
💦 Soal No. 40
- (A) Putting the main idea with examples
- (B) Presenting causes followed by effects
- (C) Interpreting different ways of classifying
- (D) Presenting the strengths of the main idea
- (E) Exposing supporting details chronologically
Setiap paragraph mencakup ide utama dan contoh-contohnya.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
Passage A
- (A) the blockage of a coronary artery.
- (B) the occurrence of heart attacks.
- (C) the flow of blood and oxygen.
- (D) the effects of blood blockage.
- (E) the danger of heart attacks.
Text A : " Heart attacks most often occurs as ..." . " A heart attack ( also known as a myocardial infarction) 'is the death of heart muscle ..." maka tema kedua wacana tersebut menggarisbawahi tentang the occurance of heart attacks'
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
💦 Soal No. 42
- (A) A heart attack is called coronary artery disease.
- (B) A plaque area inside the coronary artery is called CHD.
- (C) An atherosclerosis lasts over a long period of time.
- (D) A coronary blockage causes the flow of oxygen to stop.
- (E) A heart attack occurs when a coronary artery is blocked
Jawaban: A heart attack occurs when a coronary artery is blocked.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: E
💦 Soal No. 43
- (A) buildup of plaque.
- (B) cause of chest pain.
- (C) cause of heart attack.
- (D) chest pressure sensation.
- (E) the death due to heart attack
Kedua wacana rnembicarakan tentang penyebab serangan jantung.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
Passage B
- (A) the waxy substance inside the coronary artery is a plaque.
- (B) the heart muscles get blood and oxygen through blood vessels.
- (C) the blood clot blockage in a coronary artery leads to a heart attack.
- (D) the chest pain and pressure sensation result in heart muscle injury.
- (E) the building up of plaque inside the coronary arteries takes a long time.
Kedua wacana dapat diringkaskan bahwa : the blood clot blockage in a coronary artery leads to a heart attack.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
💦 Soal No. 45
- (A) heart muscles begin to die when blood flow stops within 20 minutes.
- (B) a great number of people die because of a heart attack annually.
- (C) plaque is built up inside the coronary arteries over many years.
- (D) the dead heart muscle is eventually replaced by scar tissues.
- (E) heart attacks can be prevented by right and quick treatments.
Jawaban: a great number of people die because of a heart attack annually.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B