Bimbel WIN: Belajar dari bentuk soal yang sudah pernah ditanyakan membuat
persiapan menghadapi ujian yang sebenarnya akan menjadi lebih terarah,
lebih fokus dan lebih efektif.
Bentuk soal yang akan diujikan dari tahun ke tahun pada umumnya
materinya sama. Pada pelajaran yang menitikberatkan pada hafalan soanya bisa
sangat mirip bahkan ada yang persis sama. Sedangkan pada soal hitungan,
rumus dan analisanya pada umunya sama.
Oleh karena itu, kami menyarankan bagiadik-adik calon mahasiswa
baru (camaba) tahun ini, kuasailah minimal 10 tahun terakhir soal ujian yang
sudah pernah keluar.
Pada kesempatan ini, bimbel WIN berbagi soal asli Bahasa Inggris
SBMPTN tahun
2016 kode 320 lengkap dengan
pembahasannya yang mudah untuk dimengerti. Di akhir pembahasan, kami juga
mengajak adik-adik camaba untuk tetap berlatih pada soal online yang sudah kami
siapkan, Ayouk teruslah berlatih...!!! Semoga tahun ini kalian semuanya yang
belajar disini bisa lolos di pilihan pertama kalian, Amiiin... 🙏🙏
People who stay in education for longer appear two have better ability to compensate for the effects of dementia on the brain, a study suggests. A UK and Finish team found those with more education were as likely to show the signs of dementia in their brains at death as those with less. But they were less likely to have displayed syimptoms durring their lifetime, the study in brain said. Expert said scientists now had to find out why the effect occured.
Over the past decade, studies on dementia have consistently shown that the more time someone spends in education, the lower the risk of dementia will be. But studies have been unable to show wether or not education wich is linked to higher socio-economic status and healthier lifestyle s - protects the brain against dementia.
The researchers in this study examined the brain of 872 people who had been part of three large ageing studies. Before their deaths they had also completed questionnaries about their education . The researchers found that more education makes people better able to cope with changes in the brain associated with dementia. It also showed that, for each year spent in education there was an 11% decreased risk of developing dementia.
In addition, the researchers used data from the Eelipse collaboration, wich combines the three European population-based longitudinal studies of ageing from the UK and finland wich have assessed people for up to 20 years. This is the largest study ever to confirm that hiting the books could help people fight the symptoms of dementia in later life. What is not known is why a longer education is so good for people. Another reason could be thateducated people find ways of managing or hiding their symptoms. what is needed now is more research to find out why an education can make the brain more 'dementia resistant'.
Rebbecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimers Research Trus said:" During dementia,proteins build up in the brain and nerve cells become damaged. This research suggests that education is not able to stop the damage but enables the brain to cope better and alleviate its impact. ( Diadatasi dari
💦 Soal No. 76
The topic discussed in the passage is....
(A) roles of education in preventing dementia
(B) effects of dementia on learning abilities
(C) educations effect on dementia
(D) dementia and brain functions
(E) education for treating dementia
Peranan ( faktor ) pendidikan seseorang dalam mencegah "dementia".
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
💦 Soal No. 77The word alleviate in line 19 means....
(A) lighten
(B) affect
(C) worsen
(D) minimize
(E) overcome
Lighten = mencerahkan
Affect = mempengaruhi
Worsen = memperburuk
Minimize = mengurangi
Overcome = menanggulangi
Disebutkan bahwa pendidikan mampu mendorong otak mengurangi dampak dari "dementia"
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
💦 Soal No. 78What do the researcher need to find out about the relationship between dementia and education?
(A) Whether protects the brain against dementia
(B) Which type of education helps people from dementia
(C) Why education keeps people away from dementia
(D) Whether education is not able to stop the damage
(E) Why longer education is so good for people.
Pembahasan :
Last sentence of paragraph 3
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has been an important topic in education. On the one hand, studies have shown that ICT can enhance teaching and learning outcomes. For example. in science and mathematics education, scholars have documented that the use of ICT can improve students' conceptual understanding, problem solving, and team working skills. Consequently, most curruculum documents state the importance of ICT and encourage school teachers to use them. However, teachers need to be specifically trained in order to integrate ICT in their teaching.
Schools are known to be resistant to inovation and change. However, the spread of ICT is beginning to affect how teachers teach. One of the current issues about the use of ICT is how it integrated into the curriculum documents provide arguments for introducing ICT in the school setting. Therefore, schools expect that graduates from teacher education programs have a reasonable knowledge of how to use ICT. However, this may not be the case because most current teachers' pre-service preparation, and subsequent in-service courses were designed by using traditional educational technology and setting. Thus the participant in these courses are not familiar with the processes , interaction patterns, features possibilities of teaching learning processes based on ICT.
This issue becomes complicated because the students' thinking skills are often weak. Also, they typically lack information literacy skills altthough they were born in or after 1982. In addition, they belong to the " Net Generation" Furthermore, they are accustomed to operating in a digital environment for communication, information gathering,and analysis. The problem is that students do not have to understand how their use of technology affect their habits of learning.
Effective development of pre-service teachers'ICT proficiency does not seem to be a dirrect process, but is the one asking for a careful, complex approach. First a needs assessment is important to find out what ICT skills and knowledge teachers need at School second designers of teacher education programs should know the pre- service teachers' perceptions of ICT and their attitudes toward ICT integration into curriculum. Third, teacher education programs need to consider two typical arguments that support the ICT use in schools.
(Diadaptasi dari
💦 Soal No. 79
With the statement Once of the current issues about the use of ICT is how it integrated into the curriculum in line 7 the author intends to....
(A) emphasize the need for teachers with good literacy in technology
(B) explore the reasons for including ICT inte curriculum document
(C) explain the curriculum document for ICT introduction in education
(D) argue that current teachers already have good knowedge of using ICT
(E) show that teacher education programs have been running expected ICT curriculum
Disebutkan pada kalimat sebelumnya bahwa selama ini sekolah dikenal tidak mudah dipengaruhi oleh perubahan/perkembangan teknologi termasuk penggunaan teknologi ICT dalam mengajar perlu diadopsi oleh para guru dan dimasukkan dalam kurikulum sekolah.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
💦 Soal No. 80 The author's idea of the relationship between the use of ICT and learning outcome is analogous with...
(A) vitamin-healt
(B) speed-acroplane
(C) harvest-irigation
(D) cellphone-crime
(E) books-intelligence
Sejalan dengan teknologi ICT dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar, asupan vitamin juga dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kesehatan seseorang ( menjadi lebih baik ).
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
💦 Soal No. 81The assumption the author has about teacher education programs is that....
(A) the programs have introduced a reasonable knowledge of how to use ICT
(B) the programs have found out what ICT skills and knowledge the teachers need
(C) the programs have given materials related to the pre-service teachers perception of ICT
(D) the program were still designed in reference to traditional educational technology and setting
(E) the programs have participants who are familiar with the processes of technology mediated educational transactions.
Sesuai dengan yang tertulis pada line 8-9.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
💦 Soal No. 82Which lines of the passage illustrate the ideal ICT teacher education programs most effectively?
(A) 4-5
(B) 9-12
(C) 14-16
(D) 16-17
(E) 17-20
Line 17-20, menjelaskan program pendidikan guru yang efektif dengan menggunakan teknologi ICT.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: E
Many climate scientists agree that significant societal,economic,and ecological damage would result if global result if global average temperatures rose by more than 2oC (3.6o F)in such a short time. Such damage would include increased extinction of many plant and animal species, shift in patterns of agricuture, and rising sea levels. The IPCC reported that the global average sea levels rose by some 19-21 cm (7.5 -8.3 inches) between 1901 and 2010 and thar sea level rose faster in the second half of the 20thcentury than in the first half. It aso predicted, again depending on wide range of scenarios, that by the end of the 21st century global average sea level could rise by another 26-82 cm (102-32-3 inche) relative to the 1986-2005 average and that a rise of well over 1 meter (3 feet)could not be ruled out.
The scenarios referred to above depend mainly on future concentrations of certain traced gases, called greenhouse gases, that have been injected into the lower atmosphere in increasing amount through the burning of fossil fuels for industry, transportation. and residential uses. Modern global warning is the result of an increase in magnitude of the so-called g effect. A warning of earth's surface and lower atmosphere caused by the presence of water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides andd other green house gases. In 2014 the IPCC reperted that cocentration of carbondioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides, in the atmospher surpassed thos found in ice cores dating back 800.000 years. Of all these gases, carbon dioxide is the most important, both for its role in the green house effect and for its role in the human economy.
(Diadatasi dari
💦 Soal No. 83
The passage implies that sea levels rose faster....
(A) in 1901-1950 than in those 1951-2000
(B) in 1951-2000 than those in 1901-1950
(C) in 1901-2000 than those in 2001-2100
(D) in the beginning of 20th century than the end of 21st century
(E) in the beginning of 20th century than at the end of 21st century
Line 4 : permukaan air laut naik lebih cepat pada paruh kedua abad ke-20 ( 1951-2000 ) dari pada paruh pertama ( 1901-1950 ).
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
💦 Soal No. 84The sentence damage would include increased extinction of many plant and animals species, shifts in patterns agriculture, and rising sea levels in line 2-3, can best restated as...
(A) increased extinction of many plants and animal species, shifts in patterns of agriculture, and rising sea levels promote the damage
(B) increased extinction of many plants and animal species, shift in pattern of agriculture and rising sea levels result in the damage
(C) increased extinction of many plants and animal species, shift in pattern of agriculture, and rising sea levels increase the damage
(D) increased extiction of many plants species, shifts in patterns of agriculture and rising sea level are essential to the damage
(E) increased extinction of many plants an animal species, shift in patterns of agriculture, and rising sea level are part of the damage.
Jenis-jenis kerusakan itu adalah bagian dari kerusakan ( damage ) itu sendiri.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: E
💦 Soal No. 85Which of the folowing obviously shows the author's bias?
(A) Global average temperatures rose by more than 2oC
(B) The global average sea level could not rise by another 26-82 cm
(C) A rise well over 1 m could not be ruled out
(D) Greenhouse gases have been injected into the lower atmosphere
(E) Carbon dioxide is the most important for its role in greenhouse.
Kalimat ( B ) tidak sesuai/berkebalikan dengan yang tertulispada teks/bacaan ( line-6 )
💥 Kunci Jawaban: B
💦 Soal No. 86The author first presents idea of modern global warning and then he/she....
(A) presents empirical data
(B) analyzes research report
(C) provides natural incidents
(D) summarizes report result
(E) argues for the importance of data
Disampaikan pada kalimat-kalimat berikutnya berupa data-data kenaikan permukaan air laut tanpa analisa ataupun argumen.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: A
Coming out of a periode where I struggled with bad healt, it feel slightly strong to write an article about the benefits is of living a healthy lifestyle. The reasons I find it strange is that the benefits of a healthy life style should be obvios to everyone, aren't they? Surely we all know that having a healthy lifestyle brings extraordinary benefits, like lots of energy, good mental health, healthy weight, and strengthened defences againts disease and illness. Yet, as few actually practice keeping a healthy lifesyle it is obviosly important to put in front of the key benefits.
One thing I know for sure good health is note something you can buy over-the-counter. There is no magical pill you can take that will deliver to you brilliant health. The only way doing it is to adopt a healthy life style including doing physical activity on a regular basis, good nutrition, good rest, an relaxation order to exist at optimum level.
" Life is not merely being alive, but being well." Marcus Valerius Martialis.
It may not be easy to adopt and then sustain a healty lifestyle but the value of doing so will be significant as there are countless benefit associated with living a healty life style. Let me give you some example.
One of the benefits of living a helaty lifestyle is the increased amount of energy. When you eat a healty diet including whole grains, lean meat, low-fat dairy product, and fruits and vegetables, your body has the fuel that it needs to manage your energy level. Having more energy is so important because it enables you to do so much more, and I know everyone of us can testify to how much better it feels being full of energy rather than feeling ethargic and empty.
Another of the many benefits of living a healthy lifestyle is that it is good for our mental health. There is evidence showing that good mental health is very much supported by having a healthy lifestyle. So things like a lack of self esteem, depression,anxiety negative state of mind can be reduced by eating rigth and exercising.
( Diadaptasi dari \
💦 Soal No. 87
Which of the following reflects the author's attitude toward the topic of the passage?
(A) Concerned
(B) Neutral
(C) Critical
(D) Indifferent
(E) Impartial
Concerned = penuh perhatian
Neutral = netral/tidak memihak
Critical = kritis/cerdas
Indifferent = tidak tertarik/acuh
Impartial = tidak memihak
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
💦 Soal No. 88 The paragraph following the passage will likely talk about...
(A) more facts on living a healthy lifestyle
(B) more stories on living healthy lifestyle
(C) more benefits of living a healthy lifestyle
(D) more evidence of living a healthy lifestyle
(E) more examples of living a healthy lifestyle
Dua paragraf terakhhir memberikan penjelasan tentang manfaat dari gaya hidup sehat, dan kalimat pertama paragraf terakhir adalah "manfaat lain dari sekian banyak manfaat dari gaya hidup sehat." Sehingga bisa di pastikan paragraf berikutnya akan memberikan penjelasan dari manfaat haya hidup sehat lainnya.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: C
💦 Soal No. 89The passage can be best summarized as.......
(A) living a healthy lifestyle is easy to adopt
(B) living a healthy lifestyle is difficult to adopt
(C) the main advantage of iving a healthy lifestyle is the increased amount of energy
(D) the main advantage of living a healthy lifestyle is good mental health
(E) there are numerous advantage of living a healthy lifestyle
Penulis menyebutkan 2 kali tantang kelebihan/manfaat dari gaya hidup sehat, yaitu pada 2 paragraf terakhir.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: E
💦 Soal No. 90What will happen when our body has the fuel to manage our energy level?
(A) We will feel satisfied
(B) We wil feel optimistic
(C) We will feel contented
(D) We will feel energized.
(E) We will feel fatigue
Line 14 : memiliki energi lebih memungkinkan seseorang beraktivitas lebih banyak.
💥 Kunci Jawaban: D
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